NEEMO EEIG monitors are mainly senior experts skilled in the different environmental and nature fields addressed by the LIFE programme. Besides their technical skills, they have experience in the monitoring and evaluation of programmes and/or projects, and they have local knowledge which allows them to understand the projects’ specificities and to communicate with local stakeholders.
The work undertaken by LIFE monitors goes somewhat further than the monitoring common in other EU programmes and as defined in the Project Cycle Management. NEEMO’s monitoring support includes not only the regular monitoring of LIFE projects’ technical and financial progress, but also evaluating the quality of the outputs of these projects and continuously assessing how the means and activities will contribute to the results (assessing therefore the efficiency of the project). It also allows, on completion of the project, to assess to what extent the results have contributed to the project’s objectives (assessing its effectiveness), as well as the project’s sustainability and its socio-economic impacts, compared to what was foreseen in the original project description. Our experts also conduct ex-post missions to some projects, with a view to assessing their long-term impacts and sustainability.
Although NEEMO EEIG is contracted by the European Commission in order to provide an external support in monitoring LIFE projects, the views expressed by NEEMO experts are just that: their opinions. They may not in any circumstance be regarded as the official position of the European Commission. In conformity with article 9 of the Common Provisions, monitoring experts are not authorised to take any decision on behalf of the Commission.
Who’s Who in the Monitoring Team ?
Please click on the appropriate below component to access details of NEEMO’s monitoring experts, by regional teams.
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